What does it take to become a Platinum member of Avenues To Wealth?

Earn a minimum of $3, 000 in a week as a distributor 

How can you become a platinum member in seven (7) months? 

Follow the simple strategy below 

What does it cost to join Avenues To Wealth - $300 

Strategy – How to Become Platinum Distributor with Avenues To Wealth in 7months. Total number of people personally recruited 10





Minimum CyclePayment




Recruit 3 people into your team




Support, coach, assist and encourage them to recruit 3 people into their team




Encourage & support the second tier people in your team to recruit 3 members into their team




Personally  Recruit 3 people personally into  your team to become a silver distributor




Support, coach, assist and encourage them to recruit 3 people into their team




Personally Recruit 4 people into  your team to become a Gold Distributor


$7, 290


Support, coach, assist and encourage the 4 new members to recruit 3 members into their team


$21, 870


By the 7th Month, you would have earned over $21, 870. This is well over $3,000. With this, you become a Platinum Distributor.


There are additional benefits to becoming a Platinum member of AvenuesToWealth,

·        you would have created a passive income stream that will continue to flow without any additional work from you

·        As a platinum distributor, you will be given 2 more business centres. This gives you the opportunity to earn three times what you have been earning.


Join the AvenuesToWealth Leave a Legacy team today for personalized fast track strategies to grow your business and maximise your income

click on the link below and claim your bonuses



Join Avenues To Wealth  today and Get free training to Create 5 Income Generating Business Centres

1. Video training on Consulting Riches to help you set up business as a Consultant 

2. Guru Blogging System : Learn how to Make Money from your Blogs and be a Guru in any Niche with this step by step videos

3. Kick Start your Coaching program - Video Training on how to start your own business as a Life coach

4. Get Published - Discover how to Write, Print and Sell your own book plus MP3 audio

5. FaceBook Money - video Training shows you how to Turn your FaceBook account to an income generating machine