You can change your life and become wealthy through a wonderful opportunity presented by Avenues to Wealth. Not one avenue, but many, can direct a steady flow of income into your personal account. 

The concept is basic. A product is sold to one person, and he sells the same product to others. They sell the product to others, and so a network spins itself across the world. Once you have made a sale profits from it begin vibration across the entire network, like little tugs at a spider’s web. Every tug, at every intersection represents some profit for you. 

You may be standing on a ski slope in Austria while sales are taking place in New York, and your income will be growing as you slide down the slope. After the effort of the first sale the momentum grows rapidly, and with it grows your personal wealth.

When you join the network and start selling, the process begins for you. Sophisticated software tracks sales across the Globe, attributing the profits earned for you by other sales people to your account. Computer software makes it all possible, but the initial idea is ancient. 

A clever young man did something so good for the Emperor of China that he was offered what ever reward he chose. He surprised everyone by choosing a single grain of rice to be placed upon one square of a chessboard. The following day two grains would have to be placed on the next square, then four, then eight, and so on. Soon the Emperor was horrified to learn that he had given away the value of his Empire in rice. So he had the young man decapitated.


The Avenue to Wealth scheme is designed with a similar concept in mind. A single sale will have repercussions, along the avenue. Each sale that takes place reverberates back to the source of the original sale. It’s not quite compound interest, but works along similar lines. 

Many multi marketing plans work across the globe, and there are some common complaints and criticisms levelled at them. It is wise to deal with these right away. One is that an initial purchase must be made right away in order for a person to start benefiting. This is perfectly true. A person must buy a Privilege Pack in order to be assigned a place on the Network, and get a good feel for the product that he will be selling himself.


But there is not a single business opportunity anywhere that does not require an initial investment of some kind. Even a seller of bananas on the street needs to buy a box of fruit up front before she can begin selling. And the rewards possible from Avenue to Wealth are considerably greater. 

A further source of complaints is that the purchaser has to make sales in order to join the profit revenue stream. This too is true. Anyone who joins the scheme should be prepared to sell the Privilege Packs, and keep selling them. Again, this is reasonable because the avenue to wealth is along the selling road. However, unlike a door-to-door salesperson, every sale in this scheme is likely to generate many more commissions all benefiting the original sales person. That is fair enough. 

Once it is accepted that this is an opportunity to set up a profitable marketing business that involves the worldwide selling of a great product, the logic at the root of Avenues to Wealth becomes compelling.


Learn more about Avenues To Wealth. Stop by our site where you can find out all about Avenues To Wealth and how it can help to you.


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